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Top 5 Asphalt Driveway Ideas

We might be biased, but in our opinion, an asphalt driveway is more appealing to the eye when compared to plain concrete. It also offers you a better opportunity to self-design and modify your driveway according to your personal preferences.

Doing a little concept design can actually make your asphalt driveway look elegant and sophisticated. To provide you with some creativity, here are some great ideas on how you can design a better looking asphalt driveway.

1. Asphalt Garden Driveway

A garden design is a classic way to refurbish your driveway. An asphalt driveway is easier to decorate because it has a strong dark colour that can complement the crisp green tone of a garden. If you’re into landscaping, and you know every little thing about garden designs, it will never be difficult for you to make your own asphalt garden inspired driveway.

Article 1.1_Asphalt Garden

Though exciting, planning your garden driveway is still a bit of a challenge. You have to consider your geographical location as well as the weather irregularities depending on the plants that you want to grow. For starters, try planting Hydrangeas on either side of the asphalt. It’s a little bushy, but this beautiful flowering plant will give you a nice feel of freshness and tranquility when you enter your driveway.

2. Stamped Asphalt Driveway

If you’re a fan of a concrete paver but you still want your driveway to be asphalt, why not try to bring these two characteristics together. Choose an asphalt driveway and have it stamped with a style that portrays a concrete paver. With this, you will not have to worry about buying new paver bricks to replace the broken ones. There are different stamp patterns that you can choose from such as stone stamped, regular herringbone, square tile, diagonal herringbone, arch circle, basket weave and F-cobble and slate.


3. Unparalleled Landscape Driveway

For those who have a short and uphill driveway with medium-wide, uneven lawn on each side, the unparalleled landscape driveway could give your home a unique and stylish impression. The driveway would only need a short asphalt driveway for your car to the garage and each side can be just plain Bermuda grass with accents of medium height trees, plants and gravels. Compared to a garden driveway, this design is easier to maintain and only needs occasional trimming of the grass and trees.

Article 1.3_Unparalleled Landscape Driveway

4. Grass In Between Asphalt Driveway

The craftsmanship on this driveway inspiration is truly remarkable. Instead of having a plain asphalt or concrete pathway leading to your home, innovate your driveway by incorporating grass in between large portions of asphalt and see the difference. The grass makes the surroundings look warm and pleasant yet the driveway remains wide and very functional.

Article 1.4_Grass In Between Asphalt Driveway

5. Balanced Asphalt Driveway

A large estate must have a complementary large and efficient driveway. For wide entranced driveway, create a diversion that meets up at the entrance of the house. This will provide an accessible drop-off point while the vehicles could easily exit the driveway following its circular pattern. Its design is not really hard to conceptualize. A balanced landscape will further enhance the dramatic look of the driveway as you go along the entrance.


There are times that you need something to cheer you up when you drive home from work and you just need to see something beautiful to remove your stress. Aside from your kids, family and home, your driveway is the first thing that you will see once you arrive and this can somehow affect your mood. Investing on a good looking driveway will give you comfort, relief and satisfaction as you arrive home.

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